Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Fondest school memory

When I was in 3rd grade our class was participating in a fund raiser to go to the zoo. If you raises enough money you could use your extra funds at the gift shop at the zoo. I wanted so badly to get a stuffed animal or a t-shirt so I went around door-to-door and asked people if they were interested in helping me. I ended up selling 52 subscriptions and hoped I had made enough. When it came time to turn it in I realized I had a problem. I couldn't find my form. I remembered bringing into class but it wasn't in my desk. I was so upset and angry so I went to talk to my teacher Miss Ranney. After explaining my situation she said not to worry. The forms were not do until the last day of the week. I waited patiently in hopes that it would turn up, but it never did. Well, the came to go on the field trip and I knew I wouldn't get to pick anything at the end of the day. As the time came to go to the gift shop I decided just to suck it up and at least I could look around and maybe my friends would let me play with there toys. As we were leaving the gift shop my teacher stopped be and pulled me aside. She said, "I noticed you were the only student who wasn't able to get anything. I am proud of you." I was confused. Why was she proud, its not like I wanted to just watch everyone. then she said" You see, someone turned in a form, without a name on it, but another little girl said it was hers. But I realized you said you had sold exactly 52 subscriptions so I called them to see who sold those subscriptions and you know what they told me?" I pondered and asked what? "they said a little girl, with her sister." That's when the teacher knew it was me who sold them since the other girl did not have any siblings. So she said the choice is mine. I would get the funds to get a stuffed animal or I could split it with the other girl and we could both get a key chain. Finally she said "a stuffed animal is wonderful, but a friend in need will always be there. I decided to get the stuffed animal and picked out a elephant, it was so fluffy and had these big soft ears, as I looked over at the line waiting to go, I saw another little girl, crying, with nothing in her hands. what I didn't know is she confessed to taking my paper and was in the line previously with the same stuffed animal and she turned around, saw me and decided she wanted to give me the very same stuffed animal and before she could purchase is Miss Ranney came up and explained how she knew the sales were not hers and had given her the same ultimatum. She chose to give me all the winnings but didn't want her to tell me that she had found my sales paper on the floor. You see, her parents did live with her and she wasn't able to sell anything, but when she saw the paper and everyone said they brought theirs in, she took it. I bought the stuffed elephant and handed it to her. Miss Ranney sat beside me on the bus the whole ride home. She said I was kind, and whispered in my ear. "your my favorite"

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