Tuesday, April 4, 2017

lesson plans and there importance

When you are teacher you will need to set some sort of lesson plan in place in order to know you are meeting the standardized goals set in place. With that being said there are many benefits to doing so.  Making a lesson plan helps you stay organized, helps you organize objectives, and better handle unexpected situations. A lesson plan also sets a guideline up for efficient teaching, as well as giving confidence and shows you are putting effort into your students learning. All of these aspects combined help you as a teacher be the most efficient and achieve success with their students. Not only does a lesson plan help you achieve this but also helps you with the little things you might forget about but because you made a lesson plan you will know exactly what you need to do and how you plan to do this. For example, maybe you plan to administer a drawing test but didn't put into account whether everyone can pass the assessment you can go back to the lesson plan and see who had passed the previous assessments to determine if the whole student body is ready to move on. Last, with a lesson plan in place you be be able to see over a series of test and assessments whether a student or group of students is struggling with achieving a goal and what steps you need to take to meet those goals.

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